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2022-05-03Sam Brownsam.brown@example.comPayment for the month of Octoberfailed
2022-01-30John Smithjohn.smith@example.comPayment for the month of Octoberfailed
2022-11-16Sam Smithsam.smith@example.comPayment for the month of Octoberfailed
2021-01-12Bob Brownbob.brown@example.comPayment for the month of Octobersuccess
2021-09-23Sam Leesam.lee@example.comPayment for the month of Octoberfailed
2021-06-11Alice Smithalice.smith@example.comPayment for the month of Octoberfailed
2021-08-01Jane Smithjane.smith@example.comPayment for the month of Octoberfailed
2021-07-16Sam Brownsam.brown@example.comPayment for the month of Octoberfailed
2021-05-13Alice Brownalice.brown@example.comPayment for the month of Octoberpending
2022-03-29Alice Leealice.lee@example.comPayment for the month of Octoberfailed